PTO Board Members - Roles and Responsibilties


President: on going
Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the organization in order that its purposes may be promoted; confirm that the defined quorum is present before conducting any business requiring a vote at any meeting of the DeBakey PTO General Membership and the DeBakey PTO Executive Committee and Board of Directors; prepare agendas for and preside at all meetings of the DeBakey PTO General Membership and the DeBakey PTO Executive Committee and Board of Directors; notify Executive Board members of Regular, Special and Emergency meetings, unless the president delegates this task to the secretary; appoint chairs of standing and special committees with the ratification of the Executive Board; be authorized to sign on bank accounts. In the absence of the Treasurer and/or Assistant Treasurer, the President(s) shall be empowered as a second signer on checks for the organization. The President is an ex-officio member of all committees with the exception of the nominating committee. Make recommendations to the principal for the parent members of the Shared Decision Making Committee; Keep a current copy of the DeBakey PTO bylaws.


Vice President - new to 2022/23: ongoing
As there is a heavy emphasis on the President role, this proposed role is to better assimilate an executive member with focusing on SDMC, FACE, SIP, Title I, ESSER, Wrap Around Services, documentation of meeting evidence to support Title I, and other duties to timely assist the President and Dean of Instruction. Lead the review of finances quarterly.


Fundraising: ongoing
Responsible for coordinating all fundraising efforts. The primary funding has been from uniforms. This position is to create OTHER creative opportunities to help support the school, students, teachers and administration. Examples: Donor Wall, and sponsors/ship, spirit nights, sociables, events, etc..


Communications: weekly/as needed
Maintain the website and event calendar (Membership Toolkit); Ensure notifications of forms are being sent to appropriate Board Members; Keep PTO contact database updated; Send news emails to parents at least weekly during the school year (Membership Toolkit); Manage the PTO email addresses and Google Drive via Google Admin; Manage board member and user access to Membership Toolkit platform. Act for the President(s) and 1st Vice President, if absent, and perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President(s). Expand social media presence so it would be beneficial to be comfortable with Facebook, Twitter, etc. All the platforms are easy to learn and easy to use. This position requires a little time each week, answering emails, sending emails, posting to the website, but can be done at any time so it is very flexible.


Volunteers: as needed
Coordinate all volunteer activities within the school, including attending training sessions, keeping records of volunteer activities, and organizing volunteers for different events. Support various planned activity events. Post wish list of volunteersEngage our parents and students.


Treasurer: ongoing, monthly board report with financial update
Oversee all DeBakey PTO organizational funds and, if requested, have access to all bank accounts of the DeBakey PTO; Keep for the DeBakey PTO organizational funds, including bank statements, receipts, budgets, invoices, and paid receipts for the current and preceding five (5) years; Be authorized to sign on bank accounts, Present a financial statement at PTO General Membership meetings, Executive Board meetings, and at other times when requested by the DeBakey PTO or its Executive Board; Oversee filing of all forms required by the Internal Revenue Service or other governmental agency; Keep a current copy of the DeBakey PTO bylaws; Submit the books to an “external” audit committee and allow for quarterly assessment review. Timely reimburse or pay invoices/receipts.


Secretary: 1st Tuesday E PTO, 2nd Tuesday general PTO
Record the minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board and General Membership and present the minutes to the President to review before its posted on the PTO website; prepare for distribution before each meeting, answer all correspondence; send out notices of all called meetings, and of other meetings when necessary; maintain the DeBakey PTO Agenda and minutes book; and keep a current copy of the DeBakey PTO bylaws.


Parliamentarian: (Non-voting) 1st Tuesday E PTO, 2nd Tues general PTO
Plan to attend all scheduled meetings of the Executive Board and the General Membership and designate a member with the approval of the President to assume the duties of the parliamentarian for any meeting the parliamentarian cannot attend; confirm that a defined quorum is present before conducting any business requiring a vote at any meeting of the DeBakey PTO General Membership and the DeBakey PTO Executive Board: Advise on matters of parliamentary procedure when requested; Serve on the bylaws committee when one is created; He or She should have complete knowledge and understanding of the articles and bylaws of the organization; keep a copy of the current DeBakey PTO bylaws and bring it to all meetings of the Executive Board and General Membership; set up and draft a casual rule of order for the PTO based loosely on the Robert's Rule of Order; keep a most recently revised copy of Robert’s Rules of Order; remain impartial and therefore does not make motions, participate in debates or vote on any item.


Uniforms Chair: This is an intensive position primarily focused on the Spring, Summer and School Sales and is the main fundraising campaign for the PTO. Ongoing
This role, working with the Uniform Committee and other volunteers, has several job duties to include: obtaining quotes and securing pre-ordering uniforms and other special merchandise; maintaining inventory; coordinating sales events in Spring, Summer and School year; and reconciling the budget working with the PTO Treasurer.


Membership Chair: ongoing
Encourage parents to join PTO free/no cost. Ideally, every parent/every grade would be members. Solicit new members at orientation, pretesting, PTO meetings, uniforms sales, college night, and other events.


College Night Chair: 1st week of October
In the past face-to-face events the PTO involvement has been limited to purchasing food, drinks and setting up a space to provide dinner to the visiting college representatives. The alcove space by the cafeteria was sectioned off for a buffet setup. The food distribution was only for college reps not students/parents. Although we have not been encouraged to invite particular colleges/universities, this can be coordinated with the school’s counselors’ office.


Fall Festival Chair: Late October
This position helps coordinate the Fall Festival and Haunted House needs. The DeBakey Fall Festival is wonderful highlight for the DeBakey Students in the Fall. Typically, the festival takes place near Halloween and may be a party like event or an indoor/outdoor event with a carnival-ish atmosphere. You would be responsible to work with the administration, student council, theater… to ensure all activities have been ordered, the food and snacks have been requested either from parent donations, or purchased, and that we have enough water, treats for all the students. This position does not require a lot of time throughout the year but is incredibly involved from approximately September until the event occurs- last week of October. Student Council coordinates the individual day spirit events for the week.

*More to come as the 50th anniversary celebration will be focused on the Friday/Saturday this week for 2023**


Field Day Chair: Day before Spring Break
The DeBakey Field Day is wonderful highlight for the DeBakey Students in the spring. Typically, the festival includes a carnival like atmosphere with lots of games, rides, food trucks, ice cream, and cupcakes. You would be responsible to work with the administration to ensure all activities have been ordered, the food trucks have been requested, and that we have enough water, ice cream, and cupcakes for all the students. This may require requesting donations. This position does not require a lot of time throughout the year but is incredibly involved from approximately January until the event occurs just before Spring Break. Due to the pandemic, this event has not occurred since 2019.


Dance Chair:
Back to School dance: September 2023, previously homecoming dance
Winter Ball dance: January/February 2024
You would be responsible for ensuring the DeBakey Students have a wonderful dance. These events may occur in September and January/February respectively depending on the school schedule.  You would be responsible for planning and decorating for the event which takes place at DeBakey HSHP. You will also be responsible for the selecting and ordering the food and drinks that will be served.  Plans may also include DJ, photo booth/back drop/props selection. You will coordinate efforts with Student Council Teacher, Senior Teachers Sponsors and respective (senior) student council for theme/décor/title. You will need volunteers for the event and donations from parents/resources for food. Basically, you get to plan a dance event for the school. The committee opportunity allows you to share resources, pricing, vendors. Committee may each choose to work as primary for a title event while supporting the other or allow for more volunteers to help. 


SDMC: Shared Decision Making Committee, PTO Executive Board participation (2)- Monthly 3rd Tuesday after school (virtual)
The committee is made up of teachers, parents, PTO, administration and community. The purpose is to review the district's educational goals, objectives, and major district wide classroom instructional programs.  in establishing academic and other performance objectives of the school for each academic excellence indicator adopted in the Texas Education Code (TEC §11.253, TEC §39.051). The SDMC is authorized to fulfill the following responsibilities:

  1. Implement all pertinent campus-level planning processes;
  2. Develop recommendations for the school budget;
  3. Submit recommendations for the school curriculum;
  4. Recommend changes in the school's staffing patterns;
  5. Develop and approve the campus staff development plans;
  6. Develop, review, and revise the School Improvement Plan (SIP) for the purpose of improving student performance for all student populations (after principal approval of the SIP, the SDMC presents the plan to staff for approval);
  7. Review and make recommendations regarding the school's organizational structure, and
  8. Establish procedures to periodically obtain broad-based community, parent, and staff input.


Teacher Appreciation: as scheduled
This committee works closely with the Fundraising committee to provide Teacher Appreciation events for the Teachers and Staff of DeBakey HSHP (about 100).  This committee coordinates all teacher appreciation events during the school year.  Typically, there are 5 Teacher Appreciation events within a school year: Welcome Back Event, Thanksgiving Event, Christmas/ Winter Holiday Event, Valentine’s Day Event, and Teacher Appreciation Week Event(s) (May).  It is not mandatory that all 5 of these events occur each year, but it is customary.  The committee chair(s) work with the committee members to plan and execute each event while also communicating with the principal to ensure the plan is acceptable.


Grade Liaison chair (12th)
9th- 12th Grade Liaisons (4): as needed
The chair will work with each grade liaison to guide them to resources and possibilities to help navigate a. The liaisons will work as needed with the (2) appointed respective grade level teachers and Student Council teacher sponsor and student reps to assist and support with their needs for each class level ex. field day (class respective Tshirts- coordinate w Field Day rep/student council), class fund raising, movie/social nights. Over the last couple of years, not much time has been needed to support this area, ex. less than 5 hours.


Friends of DeBakey PTO
Target past students, community, parents, and other donors to keep the community of DeBakey invigorated and committed to supporting it. Possibly coordinate with communications (Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms) to drive relevant information sharing, fund raising, donors/sponsors.


Chess, Volleyball, Basketball, Running, future consideration to Competitive Dance (various opportunities)
Responsible to work with the administration- teacher club sponsor to set up practices, games & tournaments held on campus (or off) (ensuring administration will be present, security will be present, no conflicts with other campus events, etc.). You will also be required to work with the coaches and students to create a schedule and where necessary work with treasurer to pay coaches. Opportunity to showcase at 8th Open House night.


Science Symposium: October coincide with Spirit Week/50th Anniversary 2023
Work with the administration (Dean of Instruction) to ensure we have representatives from all areas of STEM community to speak to the students during the symposium. Provide snacks for the speakers (in the community room) on the day of the symposium.


Fish/Viper Camp: August
The plan is to create a fun day (or couple of days) for the incoming 9th graders to meet in the summer before school begins. The idea is to get them to know each other and learn more about the school and the expectations before classes begin. This event would take place in the summer and can be virtual if needed. Encourage kids to socialize to improve the transition to high school and DeBakey by coordinating games/events to promote assimilation. Work with Interact Club. Possibly work with uniform group if t-shirts are needed (tbd).


Game Nights
This was a new endeavor done during the pandemic. Hold virtual games for students to promote morale for all kids all grades. We raffled off gift cards to winners and attendees. This is self-scheduled and was held via Zoom.


Dads of DeBakey- a new group as of 2022/23 Self-scheduled.
Hoping to better engage more DeBakey dads to help with a goal of (2) fundraisers for students: ex car wash, spaghetti dinner etc. this could also have a social component to promote networking.


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